Let's Get Started
Through the American Express Claim Centre provided by Chubb you can begin processing your claim online, receive immediate confirmation of submission, reduce steps and time to completion, and signup for status updates. You must have an email address to submit a claim.
On receipt of your claim we will take the following steps:
- Acknowledge receipt within 5 business days
- Identify your insurance policy, register your matter against it and assign a claim number for reference
- Review whether any further information may be needed.
If we have all the information we need to assess your matter, then we will review to decide whether or not to accept it. We will let you know if we need further information.
How do you get your American Express insurance?
Start Claim
If you remain inactive on a page for 20 minutes your session will automatically end. To avoid this simply click through any of the fields.
You must complete the online submission in one session. If you do not have all the materials or enough time you can request a PDF form.
You should answer all questions as completely as possible. However, if you are missing information, it is best to submit your claim today so we can start the process. Information can be forwarded at a later date.